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Ruth Tenney
Född i New York
84 years
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Now you have been gone for 3 years and it is hard to believe. I am glad that I spent your last night in the hospital with you. I really regret that I didn't see you and Dad enough over the years. I now know how smart you were and how even though I didn't want to hear the advice you gave me sometimes, you had a lot of wisdom to impart. I really hope that you and Dad are together again and that Keara has her Grandma and Grandpa with her. I hope you are with your Mom and Dad and Tom is there giving all of you a hard time with his sense of humor. I love and miss you so much.
It is cold and snowy here today and as I dressed myself in layers to go clean off my car I thought of how you dressed us to go out in the snow. We didn't like it I think because we were concerned that we looked very unstylish. Now I completely understand and dress myself that way with no concern for how I look. I remember you Dad taking us sledding sometimes with you pulling the sled and sometimes the dog. I love and miss both of you so much.
Mom, yesterday as a drove to Sanford with the little dolly that Dad gave me, I cried. I was wishing all of u som much. You , Dad ,Keara, Tom. Grandma. I thought back to many times in my childhood and thought that I didn't appreciate you enough. I wish I had more time with you and I really hope that I will get to see you again. I love you.
I was thinking today about the things that you and Dad taught me growing up and although I didn't like your methods sometimes I learned a lot and have tried to live the values that you taught me. I look around me today and look at all the young people so out of control and think how things have gone so far in the other direction. I know I have made some mistakes along the way and there have definitely been times that I should have taken your advice but I was stubborn just like you and Dad !! So I had to learn on my own. I hope you are watching over Keara and that she is watching over you. I love you and I miss you.
I remember visiting you at Cambridge Hill, and how your face would just light up when I came to visit with the kids or if I just came to visit. I used to bring Gretel a lot and even though she was shy with most people she was content to sit in your lap and go for a ride in the wheel chair. I remember how the first thing you asked when I came to visit was "How long can you stay" and how bad I felt when we had to leave. I love you Mom and I miss you and Grandpa so much. I hope I will get to be with you again someday.
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